Third Joifull Parenting Program Successfully Held at Regent Residential School

Third Joifull Parenting Program Successfully Held at Regent Residential School

December 30, 2023 RRS

In a continued effort to strengthen the bond between parents, students, and the educational community, the third edition of the Joyful Parenting Program was conducted at Regent Residential School on December 30, 2023. The program, organized by the school administration, aimed to provide valuable insights and strategies for effective parenting, tailored to both primary and secondary-level students.

The program was divided into two levels, with the primary level focusing on the theme 'Love and Logic.' Sovita Gautam, an experienced educator, and child development specialist, led the discussions on positive love and strategic care for students from playgroup to Class 5. Parents were engaged in interactive sessions emphasising fostering a nurturing environment for their children.

Simultaneously, at the secondary level, Sushil Uprety, an IT expert and Google certified Innovator, delved into the topic of 'The Use of the Internet for Learning and Parental Monitoring.' With technology playing an integral role in education, Uprety provided insights into responsible internet use, effective monitoring techniques, and ensuring a safe online environment for students.

The program commenced with a warm welcome from the school's Principal, Nawaraj Sajnel, who expressed gratitude to the parents for their active participation. Principal Sajnel also extended his appreciation to both facilitators, highlighting their expertise in their respective fields.

Sovita Gautam's session at the primary level encouraged parents to adopt a love and logic-based approach in their parenting styles. The interactive discussions allowed parents to share experiences and learn from each other, promoting a sense of community within the school.

Sushil Uprety, leading the secondary level program, discussed the challenges and opportunities presented by the internet in the realm of education. Parents were educated on the importance of balancing technology use and setting appropriate boundaries, ensuring that the internet is a valuable tool for learning.

The participation of parents was both enthusiastic and engaging, reflecting a shared commitment to the holistic development of their children. The Joyful Parenting Program continues to be a platform for fostering collaboration between parents and educators, creating a supportive community for the benefit of the students.

As the event concluded, parents left with a wealth of knowledge, practical strategies, and a strengthened connection with the school. The success of the Third Joifull Parenting Program underscores Regent Residential School's commitment to providing not only quality education but also holistic support for the well-rounded growth of their students.

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