Moral Education for Basic Level Students

Moral Education for Basic Level Students
Moral Education for Basic Level Students

Introduction to Moral Education

Moral education is a process through which individuals develop their sense of right and wrong and their personal values. It helps individuals understand what is morally good and bad and guides them in making decisions that align with their moral beliefs.

Moral education may be formal, through programs offered in schools or religious institutions, or informal, through everyday interactions and life experiences. It can involve teaching specific moral principles and values, such as honesty, fairness, and responsibility, as well as encouraging individuals to critically reflect on ethical issues and to act in accordance with their moral beliefs.





  1. Character Development 

Aaitaman: Pride of the Village 

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Let’s be a Good Example 

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Think Positively: Learn and Do

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  1. Human Values

True Soul Mates

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My Real Identity

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Universal Relationship

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  1. Civil Rights and Duties 

The Duty of Citizens

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My Duty 

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Misrilal: A True Social Worker

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  1. Community LifeStyle and Diversity

Peace and Friendship

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Ganga's Effort

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A Story of Five Brothers

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  1. Discipline and Positive Thinking


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Inner Eyes

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Excess of Anything is Destructive

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The goal of moral education is to help individuals become ethical and responsible members of society who make decisions that benefit not only themselves but also those around them and the wider community. Moral education means an ethical education that helps choose the right path in life. It comprises some basic principles such as truthfulness, honesty, charity, hospitality, tolerance, love, kindness and sympathy.
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